A Guide to Michigan Commercial Construction Regulations

Engineers discussing Michigan commercial construction project

Understanding and complying to regional and state laws is at the heart of Michigan commercial construction projects. Observing regulations guarantees that building projects run smoothly, while adhering to safety requirements and avoiding expensive legal proceedings. This blog post is a complete guide explaining Michigan’s complex commercial construction regulations.

Significance of Construction Laws

It is obligatory for commercial construction industry in Michigan to comply with several laws of local municipalities, and regulations issued by state and federal governments. Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and local building departments are the immediate regulatory bodies. They are responsible for issuing permits, building codes, and regulatory inspections.  

Key Regulations for Michigan Commercial Construction Projects

Building Codes & Standards

Centered on International Building Codes, all of the Michigan construction projects are adhered to Michigan Building Code. These codes incorporate several key elements of construction, like fire safety, structural integrity, and accessibility. In order to ensure on-site safety and compliance, your general contractor should strictly follow these codes.

Zoning Laws

Each zone in Michigan has issued its own regulations regarding the usage of land. Like it has already been demarcated which areas to be used for domestic construction or commercial construction. Moreover, the zoning committees will propose the recommended height, usage, and building density. These zoning regulations is variable for each municipality, so you should consult your local planning department for further guidelines.

Environmental Regulations

Michigan commercial projects are also influenced by Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. The objective of this regulatory body is to investigate and evaluate environmental related issues pertaining to construction industry. Some of the regulations under jurisdiction of this department include preserving wetlands, improving air quality, and controlling stormwater runoffs. You must follow these regulations to observe sustainable construction practices and overcome the risk of penalties.

Permit Requirements

Irrespective of the nature, the first step of all Michigan construction projects is requiring permits. The type of permit to obtain depends on the type of your commercial building. This may incorporate electricity permits, construction permits, plumbing permits, and many others. The application process is different for obtaining each type of permit, so you must follow the process strictly.

Health and Safety Regulations

These regulatory standards ensure workers’ safety on site and include implementation of safety protocols, employees’ training, and equipment’s compliance to code. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for ensuring adherence and compliance to health and safety standards.

Wrap Up!

Understanding and adhering to the regulations pertaining to Michigan commercial construction projects is a daunting task. Even after careful consideration, you might skip important details. So, it’s always a good idea to outsource this task to some experts. Our team at Blackstone Corporation take you through the legal process, ensuring strict compliance at every stage.

We specialize in comprehensive commercial construction projects in Michigan and nearby areas, which comply with local and state regulations. You can visit our website (click here) or talk to ones of our customer care representative to know the legal requirement of your commercial project. Contact us today, and let’s build a compliant and safe future together!   

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