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Preventing Damage from “Sump Pump Failure”: All You Need to Know

Today, pumps are used as drainage equipment to help remove excess water from the basement of the home after heavy rains, or storms. But like any other engine, pumps can break or fail. Read this article on Preventing Catastrophic Damage from “Sump Pump Failure”: A Homeowner’s Guide to learn more about how to prevent sump pump failure.

 What Is a Sump Pump?

Pump A pump is a device used to remove water collected in a water tank. This device is used by many people and is usually installed in the basement of the house. The pump’s main function is to pump accumulated water to prevent flooding or other types of water damage to the home.

How Important Is This Pump To Your Family?

Sump Pumps protect your home from flooding or other water damage. If you live in an area prone to flooding, installing a sump pump in your home is important. Here are some of the important features of it as an important part of your home:

  • Reduce the risk of flooding: Pumps are specially designed to remove excess water that has accumulated in your basement, keeping your home away from the risk of flooding, or other water damage in conditions such as heavy rains, etc.
  • Protection from structural damage: Excess water can damage, destroy, or change the structure of the building. Because the pump moves the water away from the building, it keeps the structure intact and not damaged.
  • Improve indoor air quality: High water retention means indoor air becomes very humid, leaving behind mold, dust, and other problematic conditions. The air in the house stays dry and the air quality is maintained.
sump pump failure

Sump Pump Failure:

If the sump pump is unable to remove the excess water and fails,  the bottom is still exposed, it cannot protect your home against all types of water damage. There are many reasons why a sump pump may fail.

Common Causes of Sump Pump Failure:

Motor Wear:

Pumps are usually designed to run intermittently, not continuously. If the pump runs continuously for a long time, the parts inside will wear out and eventually the pump will fail. Motor wear also occurs when the water flow is too high and the pump is too small to handle it.

Clogged Pipes:

It is not unusual for the pump’s flow pipes to become clogged with dirt and leaves. Even small insects begin to live in these tubes. In this situation, the water pipes cannot pump enough water, and it cannot be pumped.

Improper Installation:

Pumps are often not installed properly to begin with. Common mistakes that people make when installing sump pumps are improper pipe installation, choosing the wrong type of sump pump, or incorrect alignment.

No timely maintenance:

 Like any other machine, a well pump needs proper monitoring and maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Lack of maintenance will keep your pipes clogged with dirt and debris, the engine will overheat at some point, the pump will start to fail, and you’ll end up with pump failure.

Power outages:

 Most sump pumps are electric, so if the power goes out for a long period, usually during conditions such as heavy rain or storms, the sump pump stops working. Your home will be flooded.

Warning Signs Of Pump Failure?

If you notice the following signs, then it might be because your pump is progressing toward failure:

  • Strange noises: If your sump pump suddenly beeps and makes strange noises such as whirring and humming, it is a sign that there is something wrong with the compressor, which is a sign of failure.
  • Continuous Operation: As mentioned above, pumps are not meant to operate continuously. So, if your pump is still running and there is no extra fluid to flush, it means the ignition switch is broken and the motor is about to overheat.
  • Vibration: If your caravan pump shakes or vibrates during operation, always check that the pump has not been dropped.
  • Water Backups: If you notice a lot of water backing up into your basement even when the pump is running, this is one of the strongest signs of a pump failure.
  • Hot smell: The smell coming from the sump pump indicates that the machine is seized and damaged and can be shut down at any time.
sump pump

How To Prevent It?

Regular Inspection:

Regular inspection of the pump will help you identify possible damage. After inspection, problems such as broken parts or broken pipes can be resolved. A professional service provider can do that.

Backup Power:

Pumps are often dependent on electricity and will not work during power outages such as storms or rain. Always have a backup power source such as a backup generator or water booster pumps, etc.

Correct Installation:

 If the pump is not installed correctly from the beginning, it is guaranteed to fail. Always ensure that the sump pump is properly installed from the start to prevent it from getting worn off.

Monitoring System:

 Installing a monitoring system plays an important role in taking care of tank pump failures and breakdowns as it provides timely updates. Smart surveillance systems are gaining attention these days. So you must also go for it.

The Final Verdict:

If you want to Prevent Catastrophic Damage from “Sump Pump Failure,”: A Homeowner’s Guide will help you. So, Call RC GUIDES to inspect your faulty sump pump and let us do our job while you rest. We work timely ensuring that no home appliance is out of order and works effectively in times of distress like water leak or flood.

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